I’ve worked in many other new media projects that are not presented in the main page. Some of these projects are listed here:
Beberibe (2014), with multiple collaborators;
Natal Presente de Luz (2013), with Mozart Santos and Simone Mendes;
Mundo ao Redor (2012), with Adriana Carneiro, Ricardo Brazileiro, and others;
Eita, Porra! (2010), with multiple collaborators;
Projeto Soma (2009), with Marco Bonachela, Hugo Coutinho, e Henrique Lima;
Projeto Efigie (2009), with Itamar Morgado;
Lombra Aumentada (2009), with Cauê das Cavernas;
Realidade Diminuida (2009), with Jarbas Jácome and Mozart Santos.